Mandela's Lounge - Sold!
Mandela's Lounge is (was?) owned by an older white South African lady. She also owned a hostel in Cusco was wanted to concentrate on that business, so was open up to offers to sell Mandela's Lounge.
Today when I walked into Mandela's Lounge I walked stright into the middle of a business deal - Mandela's Lounge being sold! A conglomerate of 3 local entrepreneurs had saved up and pooled their money to buy the bar for a sum equivalent to £15,000.
I was quite shocked really for I wasn't aware (until now) that the bar was either up for sale or being sold. I really liked Mandela's Lounge, it was already an established business and I couldn't stop thinking, "But I have £15,000..."
I guess that moment was quite a turning point, for it was then I began to tune into the idea of a life outside of the UK.
Anyway, before I could think about anything too seriously we all headed out to Mamma Africas for some after hours drinking!
Posted by Steve Eynon